How much should my organization request?
It depends on the project. Generally our grants are $1000 to $5000, with larger projects being assessed based on the size of the project.
What are the deadlines to submit proposals to the Boo Grigsby Foundation?
The Boo Grigsby Foundation will review applications four times a year. Applications are evaluated for alignment with the Foundation’s strategic goals and objectives. Before applying, please visit the Areas of Support section to get more information about the Foundation. Please refer to the Grantmaking Process section on this site for more specific information.
May our organization submit more than one proposal per year?
If you have more than one project, please submit a proposal for each project. Please submit one proposal per project per year. If you wish to discuss which of your projects are in line with the goals of the foundation, please contact us. If you wish to submit more than one request per fiscal year, please notify the Foundation during the application process. Repeat requests, once initially submitted online, can fill out a limited version of the Grant Request Form.
Does the foundation give multi-year grants?
In some cases, grants are awarded over a three to five year period.
Are grants renewable?
At times, the Boo Grigsby Foundation will consider a request to continue funding a project. These organizations must still follow the foundation’s grant process. There is no guarantee that the foundation will provide additional funding for a project that has received support in the past.
What should I do if our organization realizes it cannot use a grant award as we stated in the proposal on which the Boo Grigsby Foundation based its decision?
Call the foundation immediately to discuss the situation. Please understand that the Boo Grigsby Foundation makes awards in good faith that every organization will use the funds as they are intended and within the specified grant term. To use funds in any other way is not considered good stewardship. However, there are times when an organization is faced with a program change or other circumstance that will require funds to be used in a different way. If this happens, your organization MUST contact the foundation as soon as possible to discuss a mutually agreed upon alternative.
If an organization does not have a 501(c)(3) IRS designation, can it still receive a grant?
No. The Boo Grigsby Foundation requires this documentation of the organization’s credibility. By law, the Foundation is bound to the types of organizations and agencies it can support.
What areas of interest are most important to the Boo Grigsby Foundation?
Please see our section on Areas of Support.
What geographic areas does the Boo Grigsby Foundation support?
Most of the foundation’s giving focuses on organizations and agencies within the Greater Baton Rouge area and the surrounding parishes. Nonprofits and agencies outside of the Greater Baton Rouge area and surrounding parishes that receive funding typically have a direct connection to the Boo Grigsby Foundation’s trustees.
Our organization wants to make sure that the Boo Grigsby Foundation would be interested in our project. What should we do?
First, please review the foundation’s website. Check to see whether your organization serves the geographic areas that the foundation funds, whether your project fits within the foundation’s primary giving interests, and whether the foundation’s grantmaking schedule works with your plans.
Should a representative from our organization speak directly to one of the foundation's trustees / Grigsby family members about submitting a grant?
All organizations are encouraged to contact the foundation at 225-753-5857 or contact us here.
I'd like to send a thank you note / gift acknowledgment to the Foundation. What should I do?
Send all correspondence to P.O. Box 104 Baton Rouge, LA 70821. If a trustee assisted you directly, you may name him or her personally.
How do I get a copy of the Boo Grigsby Foundation logo?
Please visit our Logos page.